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orange bug, blue Type 3 VW in front of Mountains #30 over mountain

Volkswagens on the Green Car Show

May 18, 2025, 8 AM – 2 PM at Clement Park

7474 W Bowles Ave, Littleton, CO

Vendors interested in participating in this year’s car show,
please read the following information then fill in the appropriate sign-up form by April 1, 2025.

The car show sponsors are looking for vendors who can provide unique merchandise of interest to Car Show participants, their families, and spectators. Past vendors have had success selling t-shirts (Tie-dyed and those featuring VW vehicles are good sellers), hats, jewelry, key chains, coffee mugs, and artwork featuring cars.

Additionally, vendors who sell cottage goods (goods made at home and prepackaged for direct sale to consumers) are welcomed. Cottage goods that sell well include popcorn, nuts, seeds, dehydrated fruits, honey, jams, jellies, preserves, fruit butters, candies, and baked goods that do not require refrigeration. Vendors offering these items are NOT considered food vendors but should check the website to be sure they comply with the state’s rules and best practices.

VWOTG 2025 Time Line - Vendors

6:00 AMCar Show Staff (early crew only) Arrive
6:30 AMEarliest Food Vendors May Begin Set Up
7:00 AMEarliest Non-Food Vendors May Begin Set Up
7:30 AMShow Vehicles admitted to show area
8:00 AMShow Open to the Public, All Vendors Should Be Up Set Up
10:00 AMShow Vehicle Judging Begins
12 NoonBallots for All Trophy Classes Due to VWEC Headquarters
1:00 PMTrophy Presentations
2:00 PMShow Closes, Breakdown, and Clean Up

Information about the Clement Park Venue

Clement Park does NOT have electricity, wifi or potable water in the area the car show will be held in. If your business needs electricity you will need to bring a generator. If you want to take credit cards you must have a way of doing so without wifi, though you probably will have 5G in the area. If customers need to get cash, there is an ATM across W Bowles Ave.

Information for Non-Food Vendors

Vendor spaces are 10′ x 20′. The cost is $50. Spaces will be chalked onto the Field (look for Yellow pool noodles). Please stay within the chalked lines. Vending spaces are not pre-assigned. Set-Up begins at 7:00 AM. Vehicles used to bring merchandise and canopy to space may be parked free of charge in a designated area southwest of the car show beyond the red noodles.

If you have any questions, please contact the car club at [email protected] 

Information for Food Vendors - Spaces Are All Filled

Food vendors must have either a Jefferson County Temporary Food Vendor License or a Colorado Retail Food License for Mobile Units.

There is no fee for food vendors’ space, but you must have permission from the Car Club to participate.